Take Advantage Of A Potential Fountain Of Youth Without Suffering Its Side-Effects

Take Advantage Of A Potential Fountain Of Youth Without Suffering Its Side-Effects

As the world's quest for an effective fountain of youth forges ahead, an endless array of products has found its way to the market. Each one claims to be the solution the public's aging woes, but few generate the lofty results they promise. It seems pimples on face may be an exception to the rule as long as its used properly.

What is Retin-A?

Also referred to as a retinoid, retin-a tretinoin is receiving a great deal of acclaim in the skincare industry for its regenerative properties. It's said to aid in collagen production for more firmness while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and fading discoloration. Potentially capable of preventing clogged pores, retinoids are also commonly used in the battle against acne.

Are There Any Side-Effects?

Though few unpleasant side-effects have been reported by those who've tried a retin-a cream, some experience unusual dryness, redness and peeling after use. Temporary worsening of aging signs also seem to be running themes among users. While manufacturers aren't discounting those tales, they are offering a few tips to help reduce those issues.

Use Sparingly: According to most accounts, no more than a small dab about the size of a pea should be used per application. For those who've experienced reactions to other skin care products, even less is recommended.

Avoid the under-Eye Area: Because the skin underneath your eyes is particularly thin and vulnerable, experts suggest steering clear of this area when using a retinoid.

Moisturize: Applying retinoids in conjunction with a quality moisturizer formulated specifically for the face helps reduce redness and dryness without affecting the effectiveness of the cream itself.

Use Sunscreen: On top of the common peeling and flaking, retinoids are notorious for increasing skin sensitivity. If you use products like these during the day, it's important to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater before exposing yourself to the sun.

As is the case with any skincare product, following the manufacturer's instructions or those of your dermatologist is crucial to reducing the risk of side-effects and generating desired results. Reports indicate using too much of a retin-a cream or applying too often can actually reduce its effectiveness. On a side note, such products should only be applied to dry skin.

A number of people insist they've found the fountain of youth in retinoids. Though certain side-effects have been reported, they're typically short-lived and minimized through moderation as well as the use of sunscreen and moisturizers. While plenty of products are sure to make their appearances in the coming years, this one may be the solution so many people are seeking.